Sunday, December 15, 2013

Orla's Code: The Paperback Goes Live!

It's been a busy 6 weeks, since making the decision to self-publish Orla's Code but I have made the deadline with a few days to spare. This is so that while The I.T. Girl is still available for a few days more as an eBook I should be able to get the reviews copied over to the paperback - and once the I.T. Girl is deleted I'll be able to go live with the eBook version of Orla's Code.

So I still have that Smashwords formatting hurdle to tackle. I'll be looking at it over Christmas, which means turkey and walks in the countryside will take priority for a while. But come the new year, the relaunch should be complete. And then the marketing can start!...

Thanks for all your support over the last few weeks. It's been daunting but mostly fun and I'm glad you found those annoying posts about ISBNs and ITINS helpful!

Check out the updated Orla's Code page including the blog posts that charted it's rocky path.

And have a happy Christmas!


  1. Congratulations! Interesting info about getting the reviews transferred. And what a lovely new cover.

    1. Thanks, Lexi! I'm not 100% on the reviews. I've requested the transfer but it might be complicated since IT Girl is being deleted soon... we'll see.

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